
I thought his next movie was
some sort of terrible looking office comedy? Did it get scrapped or somehow turn into this? I thought there was a trailer for it.

This was my first exposure to the T&E world
And I loved it. I guess I'll be looking for the Awesome show DVDs now? I probably wouldn't have heard/gotten into this without John C Reilly being involved, so - mission accomplished, guys.

we have to go baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
to when the show was better

Janette's look in the bar
"Speaking of Davis, I loved Janette's "what am I doing with this guy?" look when he started flirting with Annie. But I have a feeling she'll be back. He's so very much unlike everything else in her life and he's never boring.'

This was hilarious
I loved watching this and riffing on it with friends. Was I the only person that thought Nicole was functionally retarded? I swear, she repeated the premise and was like "how cool is this" with the same stupid smile on her face the first three groups. Only the last one or so did she say ANYTHING

The geeky friend
Was he mentally retarded in the pilot, or just kind of goofy and naive? Or was I wrong in thinking he sounded very special needs in the final scene?

It's amazing he was back in two weeks.

Anyone watching the Puppy Bowl?
They have the NFL films guy doing commentary, a parrot singing the national anthem with flags imposed over puppies looking reverently, and starting lineups. This is so completely absurd and earnest.

I was pretty bored..
..throughout, but next week for the 100th episode they're making one of the team the medical mystery again? Or will it be on the sideline for another impotent patient of the week?

"wrestler" oscar snub
There are new rules about songs I've heard about. They have to be a part of the actual movie and play for so many seconds(20?). I guess the Wrestler got snubbed out for having only a credits song.

"wrestler" oscar snub
There are new rules about songs I've heard about. They have to be a part of the actual movie and play for so many seconds(20?). I guess the Wrestler got snubbed out for having only a credits song.

It looks amazing, good job. I just noticed the text in this comment box looks a lot better too! Change is good.

New blood
I love how this season seems to be doing a good job at adding new players and new characters into the mix for (hopefully) later years. Are Saracen and Landry juniors or seniors at this point?

Pepe Sylvia
My favorite part was realizing that was Pennsylvania, and that was why it was on all the mail. Charlie can't read jokes are my favorite jokes.