
Um, no, I think they'd be referring to Clint's character in that oneā€¦

The woman who voices Kim bought the house next door to me. I can't wait for her to finish renovating and move in. I'm probably going to be the most annoying neighbor ever.

Dawg Strong
If I recall correctly, Frank Miller didn't get any credit for Batman Begins because he was co-writing the script for Batman Year One with Darren Aronofsky at the same time that Begins was in development. Aronofsky's film never got made.

I am simultaneously amazed by the number of sly video game winks in these comments, and horrified that I actually understand all of them.

Are we reading the same interview?
I don't know what all the people saying John K. is bitter and hating on The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc are getting that from.