
I can't ship Harrison and Olivia because they are like brother and sister. And to be honest I don't want anything sexual between the associates, Shonda is the queen of this kind of stuff. If something happens between Harrison and Olivia, the next relationship will be Olivia/huck. Do you remember what happened with

I find their relationship ship-worthy again. They are talking like two adults, no more angst, no more drama (for now) and I like it.
Ouaip this is definitely not some fairy tale, because it's not supposed to be one, he's married, he's the president, it's a complicated situation.

Oops yes! Thank you :)

[Twaii : Fitz telling Olivia that she is not allowed to have her own life because he still wants her, is abuse.]

[" What part of 'You can't quit me, I can't quit you?' Doesn't at least mean he's controlling."]

Wow abusive relationship ? Come on, yes Fitz can be a little bit agressive but Olivia is clearly the dominant in this relationship. The man worships the ground this woman walks on. Actually there are both agressive she slapped him twice. Anyway for me their relationship is a passionate one and certainly not an abusive

I think people are just getting tired of all the drama and the angst this is not about race. I'm an Olitz shipper and even for me it was too much.

Great review!
Billy chambers the mole ? I loooove the idea, it's a little soap-esque but it makes sense. We didn't see the body at the end of the season 1, and his motives are understandable.

Scandal boring ? It's the first time I read that! Over the top and unrealistic sometimes yeah, but boring, certainly not.

Wow! It's an unpopular opinion here but I ship Olivia and Fitz!!  I don't think their relationship is toxic it's the situation they are in that's toxic. They hurted each other because it was impossible for them to be together.

Thank you for this amazing review!

Actually the promo "when you're sleeping with the president every inch of you is a scandal" was after the defiance/conspiracy angle.