Jane Smith

I've read that Jordan wrote the whole last battle bit before he died. Which kind of stinks… in reading the last book (Towers of Midnight? They all run together) I felt like you could tell which were the plot points Jordan left behind. Because they don't make sense. SPOILERS FOR WoT Like when Egwene just automatically

SPOILERS I'm pretty sure it's said at some point that Varys has an army of spy kids, who he calls his "little birds," that have had their tongues cut out and report to him only in writing.

SPOILERS There's a part in one of the earlier books where Arya thinks about her total lack of progress in getting anywhere… she says something to the effect that she feels she's spent about half her life "making for Riverrun," only to encounter disaster. Then, of course, she and Sandor blunder into the outskirts of

Un. Bellatrix killed one of Molly Weasley's sons, did she not? Making her insistence on protecting her family completely understandable?

SPOILERS It's said at some point that Aegon the Conqueror rode Balerion, but never his sister-wives' dragons, and vice versa. So I dunno if Dany can actually dominate all three.

SPOILERS The Theon redemption arc is great. Can't believe it was accomplished in such a short time. Extremely well done.

I think the series has improved dramatically since Robert Jordan died. I wanted to stop reading, but I'm just too invested at this point (my dad got me the first book when I was sick at home my freshman year of high school… I'm 36 now…) So since I have to read them, it's great that they don't suck as bad.

SPOILERS, clearly. I also thought the fishwife thing was a red herring. I'm still in the R+L=J camp. Also, in Bran's flashback to the weirwood, he sees Ned say something like, "Let them grow up as brothers" or "Let them love each other like brothers," which seems to be a reference to Robb and Jon.

Also, according to the Wikipedia, Sam Trammell was born in New Orleans but raised in West Virginia, which is *really really far* from Louisiana in terms of… well, everything.

I'm from Alabama and have lived in Louisiana and Mississippi and I don't have a problem with any of the accents.

Cordelia & Connor, by far.

Agreed re Aimee Mann.

So, Todd - are you going to read the rest of the books?



@Chartex I actually LOL'd. Not just pretend LOL'd, like one often does on the internet.

@HipsterDBag Seriously? That was your takeaway from my comment? If I really must elaborate… No, I'm saying that pregnant ladies feel giant, in part because they're likely heavier than they've ever been in their lives, and pairing a pregnant lady with a teenaged twerp who she could break in half probably doesn't make



Spencer?? I may have to watch it again…