Lisa needs braces
Lisa needs braces
I'm with you there. I think it has something to do with the X-Men
What is the Harlem Shake? Where does everyone hear about this stuff?
I love this show, I hope it comes back for another season of episodes
I really enjoyed the first movie. I thought the actress was very talented in that too. Sorry to hear this one isn't up to par. I hadn't even heard of this movie until Monday when the "watch this instead" feature acknoweladged it.
I'm curious as to the spoilers in this movie, how did she escape her captors…
"Dusty The Cropduster, a plane who dreams of air racing, even though his function is to cover as broad a base as possible with his noxious bullshit."
It needs to change back. I like the old system.
@avclub-d390b7d1af40252a3ba81b6256304d9b:disqus Looks like the victims family was not happy with the use in the film. http://www.huffingtonpost.c…
@avclub-d390b7d1af40252a3ba81b6256304d9b:disqus Looks like the victims family was not happy with the use in the film. http://www.huffingtonpost.c…
I absolutely LOVE House of the Devil. I can understand why some people might not like it, but I adore that movie.
Pandora over Chad for me. Her Carol Channing was drop dead brilliant.
This is one of those movies I was excited to see and should have liked. I love slow burn, creepy, less-is-more horror. I love haunted house movies. I love a good abandoned asylum. But somehow this movie bored me to tears. What gives?
So happy for Jinx this episode, she was hilarious! I was yelling at my screen that these bitches didn't know Grey Gardens- #ComeOnNow
Somewhere out there Louis C.K. is smiling down upon this.
Michelle Obama was relevant to the broadcast because she supports the arts
It might hurt the movie theater industry a bit, but if they can change the distribution contracts to accommodate it won't hurt the movie industry much, in fact it will help boost ticket sales for smaller films that wouldn't normally see a wide release. People who only go out to one movie a week might start watching…
I love that show. I hope they finally make an animated feature to give the series its proper ending
Yeah, I grew up in the Retail Music Industry so I know very well what that pain feels like.
That said, giving the Download-at-Home option wouldn't necessarily kill movie theaters.
It's over now, yeah. The Oscars.
Haven't seen this episode in years but I remember very much not liking it. Mostly because of the change in tone, but also because when it originally aired I had convinced an older Uncle of mine to watch it with me because "this was the superhero cartoon with mature themes and storytelling" and then we sit down to…