
Yeah.  I mean, I'm not completely sure why they aren't doing this already.  I actually watched Argo last night by renting it via my PS3.  While I was browsing the virtual store, I noticed a trailer for Dark Skys, and I wondered "Hey, if this is available for streaming as well as in theaters, I will gladly pay to watch

Maybe if more movies make themselves available for Download via gaming consoles or what have you, they might make more money.  I know that I almost definitely would have downloaded Dark Skys to watch from home over the weekend.  I just didn't want to go to the cinema. 

Just watched it, I actually thought that looked like it could have been a pretty decent adaptation…
I just love the concept of the series, and I think it could make for an amazing kid friendly cartoon.  Check out the issue where we see a montage of various adventures the gang has using the different keys and battling

yeah, I've heard that before, and I understand it to a degree.  But for me the art is so good, and the Two-Face arc, central mystery, and organized crime being marginalized by the "freaks" theme are all compelling enough for me to very much enjoy it - especially in the Absolute format.

Locke and Key would make an EXCELLENT Saturday morning kids show (no sarcasm!)

yeah, I think those collaborations with Tim Sale are the only good comics he has ever actually written.   

man i wish that, every once in a while, sitcom couples could fall in blissful love, date a couple years, and then have a sad break up. 

No one mentioned Hook and all the play-do like imaginary food the lost boys eat. As a kid I wanted to eat that weird looking imaginary food so bad

theres also the fact that the Nielsen ratings are complete and utter bullshit to begin with, but we accept it since every show is judged by the same faulty and warped information they provide. 

Maybe or maybe not, either way I agree that it's annoying.  Both Queens have skills enough on their own without the drama. 

The Rock is always highly entertaining if the movie is complete shit.  Actually this review made the movie sound pretty interesting.  Might have to check it out on Netflix. 

Well if they really hadn't spoken in two years and didn't know one another would be on the show… Not sure how you can jump to these conclusions. Alyssa especially doesn't seem like she's trying to milk any drama.

my friend also called the fact that they would both get sent home.

"You’re supposed to shut the fuck up and mind your own business—now and always."

I been had skills, Cristal spills
Hide bills in Brazil, about a mill' to ice grill
Make it hard to figure me, liquor be, kickin me
in my asshole, uhhh, undercover, "Donnie Brasco" — Biggy

I think a C+ for Die Hard 4 is a bit generous. I rewatched all these movies back to back over the holidays and part 4 sticks out like a sore thumb as not only being terrible but not even belonging to the same franchise. I found it barely watchable.

well, I'm a Medeski and Morphine fan.  but yeah, I'm in the same boat as you regarding being friends with lots of people who enjoyed that song. 

one of my hatesongs is "…i'm high as a kite i just might stop to check you out, let me go whyyyy like a blister in the sun…"

Regine was one of the funnier sketches of the night

I don't think it's underappreciated anymore. Unbreakable has gone on to arguably eclipse Sixth Sense as the great M. Night film.