
Re-watched all 4 of the others over Christmas and the 4th one stuck out like a sore thumb as existing in some complete other reality.  McClane was barely even the same character.  I had hopes for this one, but now that I'm hearing that it's even worse than number 4, I plan on staying far away.  oh well. 

I live in Manhattan

of course thats the only thing girls with headphones are doing, cause women amirite? 

the image that goes with this makes me interested.  sounds pretty cool too

I don't know, but I've read the books in plenty of public places and have seen others do the same.  I've also seen lots of people reading 50 Shades of Grey in public places visable to everyone around them. 
Seriously, who thinks Game of Thrones is the same as a Penthouse magazine?  Because boobs? 

Sean ONeal doesn't make mistakes.  He only makes magic happen. 

tool box

There was a time in my life where I watched this movie almost every day

This was great (the review)

The sound effects are funny and part of the humor, I enjoy it.

Someone waited for 30Rock to end before watching it because now the "story is complete"? That is so beyond dumb, it's a half hour absurdist sitcom ment to be watched week to week, not a sprawling story-driven epic like Game of Thrones. I hope Todd's aquantince has fun staying inside all weekend catching up on

Red Son aside, Mark Millar has no love for the Justice League anyway

Finally watched this.  The Lunch Storyline was brilliant!  Great, great episode - adored the callback to Rural Juror

Is this Soderbergh's last feature?  or his "last" feature? 

wow not even Schwartzman and Murray and a Hot Dog Couch could save this? 

Was in college when this thing came out and my friends and I were obsessed with it at the time, quoting it constantly. There's a great special feature on the DVD of will Farrell improvising as the "little Cletus" that we found absolutely hysterical

holy moley, that sounds terrible

he's also just a hilarious and often spot on parody of egotistical and pretentious director types that most theatre people will be familiar with.

Nichols is such a funny character and a great foil for Geoffery. 

heeey, i know plenty of people who like this show…