Porkstach is an a-hole on this show.
Porkstach is an a-hole on this show.
awesome @avclub-e65076d21d4b718526e684473c359d55:disqus @avclub-09dbda0ec297f8e1fb8fa397efd0f70a:disqus @avclub-94e005c18b383d12a8924d5d1367610d:disqus @PaganPoet:disqus We'll be the wait-till-Thursday-to-comment crew. Glad others are in the same situation i am :-)
Squirrels and Queens both hide their nuts.
Excited about Drag Race but won't be able to watch it until like Wednesday Night! I hate missing the AV Club next day watercooler talk!
I saw a surprisingly large amount of these movies in the theater.
Sounds worse than a C-. Does Famke play Frau Totenkinder? Can the 12 year olds who spend their parents money on this tonight just buy the first volume of Fables instead?
oh come on, the final episode of last season was one of the best of the whole series
oh come on, the final episode of last season was one of the best of the whole series
How the fuck are these dolls based on characters from a best picture nominee offensive? Ebay is a joke, they are selling things that are ACTUALLY offensive… take this "Coon Alphabet" for example. http://www.ebay.com/itm/E-W…
Just watched "The Art of Rap" on Netflix and Snoop had some great things to say towards the end of the documentary. Check it out!
Love this show, so funny! YOUTHQUAKE!!
After reading Inventory I was reminded this was somehow PG-13, despite one f word and at least 4 or 5 onscreen deaths and murders including that of a Nun being stabbed to death.
Holy Moley, you're totally right… now I'M the one questioning everything I know…
yeah, someone in my theater exclaimed "oh man i gotta make that my message!" —
yeah, last night at my screening of "Mama" in Times Square two seperate people decided it was ok to bring babies in strollers with them into the film. and the Theater apparently thought it was ok to offer them admitance. Needless to say, crying ensued…
So bogus. But at least they sold out
Jingle Bell Rock always reminds me of that scene from Home Alone where Kevin tricks the burglers that Christmas Party is being thrown.
In related "Cool Story Bro" news, when I was a kid I thought the lyric "Voices singing let's be jolly" was actually "Buzz is singing let's be jolly" because Buzz was Kevin's older…
"Date Rape" by Sublime? I love that song. Different strokes I guess.
They don't even like "Janie's Got a Gun"? I don't know… this feature kind of makes the interview subjects look a lot worse then the songs they hate.
Down, Forward, High Punch