
Apparently, you know nothing of Gervais' vagina.

I just wish he would get high like Franco when he hosts.

God creates dinosaurs. God kills dinosaurs. God creates man. Man kills God. Dinosaurs come back WITH A VENGEANCE.

Smallish bees.

Far more imaginative titles in this series! "Friday after next" haha! This one will be…. "Some Friday nex' month"

Shut up, Bulgaria!

My new response to everything AV club.

Would mayonnaise even work?

And stravinsky and holst… but John Williams does that so it's cool.

Most overrated film composer ever. Why are people obsessed with this one trick horse who mixes all his instruments into oblivion when he's not getting minions to do his writing for him? Hack.

I loved this episode and yes, almost cried. Funny at times but mostly sad. It kinda felt like a season finale actually.

Yeah what on earth? Where is that annoyingly precocious 13 year old?

Let's see:

Needs more Dawes.

I demand to see his birth parchment!

disappointment on dawes?

RIP, Phil Hartman. RIP.


I've never referred to my penis as a planet. Good idea. I'm gonna go polish saturn's rings and then finger uranus.

This movie will make a big splash!