
I think there is essentially an agreement that Chalky is hands off when it comes to rearing the kids. He's leaving it to his wife, though he's there at dinner time. I think he's more like a ghost figure to them than an active parent.

I think this is where/when Narcisse meets his ending.

I think it would be oh-so-ironically bittersweet if Eli kills Doyle and Nucky gets the money from the insurance. HAHA! Eli just can't get a decent break.

I would slightly disagree in that the performances were A level, but the movie as a whole wasn't quite that level.

I saw both within a day of each other. Both contained harsh, but necessary, information and images. But, yeah, my toes have not been tapping for a couple of days. HAHA!

Herald is right.

Yeah, I don't really share the reviewer's POV that they make AZT the full villain, just the way it was used in the early days as the ONLY savior and at high, damaging doses provided by big pharma.

Oh, believe me, I am with you…I am just preparing myself for some real hokum to be spooned out. I don't think there's been many genuinely unexpected things in this show thus far.

Agents of SHIELD might have an opening before then…

Trust me there isn't anyone here who won't roll their eyes when, in the season finale, Red reveals himself as her father. The fun thing is the creators think this will 'shock' us.

It does feel like Spader is playing a different game than the rest of the cast, doesn't it?

It would be good character development if Eli finally realized that his brother is a true advantage in fights like this. Eli doesn't have the brains to keep the BI off his son and give up Nucky without losing even more of his soul. Perhaps his sense of family — having once put a contract on his brother's head

Explains how the Teabaggers look at the world and deny reality!

I hope she does. That line reading was the best thing about this series yet!

Just not this season, so far.

In TV land, that town in Maine on 'Under the Dome' had WAY more diversity than anyplace in the country!

T-Dawg ain't never gonna play out! Or, whoops, he's still dead right?

Yeah, I don't think its a given he had to pay him off. The DA needed someone to nail, and Nucky and his nephew gave him someone. As long as 'someone' doesn't have any power, then he's going down.

Too true for words!

That wasn't the car he took from the woman at the airport?