
I think you're most likely correct.

Whats your feeling about what Lucero's ex-wife said about him possibly being closeted himself? I don't really see it, but when one 'doth protest too much' about a subject…

Yeah, when guns are seen, tasers remain holstered.

Well said! This 'dream' business is, I think, patently ridiculous. The quibble about how fast the cops showed up (and the helicopter) might make for unrealistic response, but after years of watching this show, we all know how cops can already be in the area when something pops off. Plus police helicopters are always

I agree Sammy did not 'beat' his ex-wife, but I understand Sammy's guilt over it if for no other reason than being accused over and over of something can eventually even cause one to doubt his/her own view of an incident. Plus, Sammy just has a code and he knows he's not lived up to it from time to time (i.e., the

I could see Sammy or Ben not coming 'out of the haze'. Not Cooper. He's been too much of a professional for too long.

Also, Lydia finally throws out a 4-letter word! I heard Regina King interviewed once and she said that she has asked the writers to let her be the one character who doesn't curse, until she really sees something heinous. I guess seeing that body come flying out of the perp's car and getting stuck under her's finally

Kevin, I don't know if its just that you really don't want to let this series go (I know I don't), but I can't swallow your theory about Cooper standing up being ambiguous. With his years on the street and his experience and training, that was clearly death by cop. Even if he had to hold onto the gun, he'd have

I don't think he was. There is ZERO chance that he stood up with that gun still in his hands by accident. I can't believe the reviewer thinks that its unclear what his motivation was there. Its clearly 'death by cop'.

And 'Guys With Kids'. That show is like vinegar in the eyes.

I am with you Captain. Being vague as well, I think if this is the series' ending, so be it. Went out playing their "A" game all the way.

I say let's wait and see next week if Jackie is only leaving dead end VMs on Charlie's still working cell (which is probably sitting somewhere uncharged in Dr Cruz's home amongst Charlie's belongings) or if Charlie is still, indeed, alive. I doubt the latter as his father worked pretty hard on saving his life and he

Somebody get a gun and SHOOT IT!! Put this crap out of our misery, NOW!

So, Brainlock, you are still of the opinion that Ben's flunkie didn't actually put the maid down in Sammy's house last week and do the tagging mock up in the house along with the robbery? I think it was pretty clear that Strokeface knew nothing about the incident and ran, truly, because of being terrified of being

I vote for spontaneous. I also voted this the best sketch of the night, in a night of strong ones, imo. Her pronunciation of 'pee-zah' was goddamn hilarious, as was the constant hand out of pens.

There's a bleeped 'fuck' in the first episode of season one. So, not new, just not common.

AJ was an AWFUL actor. Horrible, in fact.

I just saw it yesterday and I kind of went into it with a similar expectation. The theorists do, at times, irritate. But that's only a short burst here and there. Mostly they are fascinating for different reasons — sometimes because they are so far flung and sometimes because they seem to make perfect sense. Sometimes

Boy will you like this movie!! HAHA! I saw it and its like a 90min version of what you just wrote below!

I think the director/writer/producer is one of those 'Banana Republic models'.