Ronnie Fucking Dobbs

I don't give a shit what they rate it, if Breaking Bad is nearly as good as last year, I'll be enjoying it.

"He may be faking. I'm going to give him this placebo."

Yep, It's Official!!!
Most people are now retarded.

Posted in the wrong place… I was referring to Billy Mays.

I just bought a bottle of his all-purpose Coffin Wax, and I have to say it's great. Highly recommended.

Dr. R… greatest observation ever. Fuck 'em, indeed.

Just as Ricky Bobby preferred Baby Jesus…
…over the older Hippie Jesus, I will always prefer "Jackson 5 Michael" singing "I'll Be There" over the old "Chinese Lady Michael", which he later became.

Dollar Bill hit the funniest line ever. I use it on my friends any and every time that make a comment about my job.

William VanLandingham. Best comedic murder of all-time, indeed. Wasn't that fat kid on Freeks and Geeks (playing, shockingly enough, The Fat, Smelly Kid)?

How about calling it Billy McGuire… fed up with the stresses of being A's GM, Billy Beane goes off to start his own team, bringing his loyal squinty-eyed secretary with him. Cuba Gooding, Jr. will play Miguel Tejada, and he'll win an Oscar for some reason. That's another winner.

I was personally a huge fan of Lawrence "Block Every Kick" Taylor.

Oh fuck, right. Guess I had the fat kid from Good Burger in mind.

I heard Tecmo Bowl the movie is being held up because Eric Dickerson refuses to release his likeness for it. But, they are in negotiations with Albert Bently to play the role.

I heard the kid from Fat Burger is going to play one of the street drug dealers making $3 an hour. Just a rumor.

I hope this doesn't mean the Freakonomics movie is in jeopardy.

Ballplayers Playing Themselves?
Finally, the age-old debate of "who makes a better big-screen actor" can be answered…. baseball players or porn stars.

Purchased (on Amazon with the chisler shipping, so "ill have to wait until next week to start). Looking forward to it, No Country is one of my favorite books.

"I went to Harvard!"

Did anyone else care that, other than using the word "norm" and maybe Al using the word "dreamlets", the characters used very little in the way of carnival/carney lingo?

I agree with Sensei about the violence. And it's strange, because the book doesn't shy away from graphic descriptions of maggots, amputations, deformity, etc.