Ronnie Fucking Dobbs

Yeah, he felt like the World's Most Amazing Roadie! I guess it would explain how melancholy he was, but it seems like a 10 year old with God-like powers would get into more interesting situations.

Does anyone else get bored with omnipotent, all-powerful characters such as Chick (or Dr. Manhattan or even Superman). Ugh, they are always so conflicted with their power and responsibility, it gets boring and predictable.

Odenkirk rules. The best line was when he asked how much money Walt had made so far (Walt answered $9,600), and Saul responds something like, "Great, you are well on your way to leaving your family a second-hand Suburu!" Awesome.

I'm about 140 pages in. So far so good. And these selections better be good, my available time for reading is limited. If the AV Club makes a bad choice… I'll… voice my displeasure over the internet, I guess.