
I disliked my old addition.

But, I thought…
I thought that I could eventually see this in a theater around Halloween-time for the low-low price of $10. …So I can't do that now? Welp, I guess no one's getting my money? Like many other human beings, I like seeing horror movies in the theater (it's dark in there) and with friends (so that we'll

Today's music is better. By "today" I mean 2009 and by "music" I mean Merriweather Post Pavilion.

Randy Quaid
seems like the only real option.

Oh boy
… now I'm afraid that someone is going to tear my arms off next time that I'm walking down the street. Thanks A.V. Club. I'm officially a shut in.

I once said
that this would be the result if Alfred Hitchcock had made a Batman film. That's probably wrong (I'm no film expert), but I definitely feel that this film is an excellent throwback to the greatest 1940s and 50s filmmaking.

Community earns better demographics and more numbers in time-shifting/online streaming than Outsourced. By better demographics, I mean people who don't like racial stereotypes, poorly written "jokes," and forced, soap opera-lite romances.

@Avatar Avatar

Kid A is overrated by 30 year olds who won't let go. Generalizations are fun today.

I kind of agree, but I think tracks stand out less the more that you listen. Also, "Ponytail" became extremely beautiful a few times through. "Search for Delicious" always stands out as not half as good as everything else on the record.

And Little 5 weekend is awesome. I saw a chick vomit outside of Greetings at like 11 am. Who drunkenly vomits at 11 am? IU sorority girls on Little 5 weekend, that's who.

Dude-brahs, I graduated from IU two years ago, and, although it was full of bros and girls struggling to get their MRS degrees, Bloomington is awesome. I'm currently in Boston and would do anything for $2 well drinks or a double AMF. Also, some of those faux-hipster house parties were kind of fun… kind of. More

Noah Lennox, fool.

Are People Serious…
about liking this song? It's the most thoroughly generic pop-rock that I have heard since Jimmy Eat World's "Chase This Light." Good job coming up with that guitar riff. It sounds nothing like the riff from that Modest Mouse album from eight years ago.

Here's the Deal:
Disney obviously wants this to be a film franchise, and you can't invest so much in creating a franchise when your star is nearly on her deathbed.

Why are they letting 10 year olds drive cars?!?!?!?!?

Yeah, that's pretty suspicious. I know that Willingham/Vertigo/"whoever owns the television rights to" Fables probably wouldn't have a good legal case, but this seems like a lame knock-off of something that has been well executed elsewhere.

Formerly Kyle C. …