JR Shooter



That still only counts as one!

That still only counts as one!

I always thought the voice over gave the movie a bit of 40's film noir. It sort of went with the 40's costume design.

I always thought the voice over gave the movie a bit of 40's film noir. It sort of went with the 40's costume design.

In the book verson…Deckard was a human.

In the book verson…Deckard was a human.

Was Star Burns pulling an "Outsiders" to hide?

Was Star Burns pulling an "Outsiders" to hide?

Never Forget!

I remember when…
Given Marvel's lackluster record in turning their comic book properties into films they could probably stand to take a lesson or two from DC Comics.

Make Mine Marvel!

Field Marshall Von Kluck: Reinemachefrau! It means she could be my cleaning woman.

Dang you IMDB…you lied to me again!

He's a suitor

I can't believe the classic "Chem men'she znaesh', tem lushche." from Spies Like Us isn't on the list

The is an Alt ending on the DVD were Scott ends up with Knives.

Just to nitpic: Scott Pilgram was 22 and his rating was Awesome

I am impressed with the number of comments…also, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO