Bastian McKeen

I don't know why I come to these comments, all people do is whine and complain. Victim complexes are not only exhausting, but annoying as well.

God bless this episode. I rather enjoyed it, especially Rachel freaking out the potential homebuyers. Also, I'm a sucker for some sincere and heartfelt dialogue and for as much heat as Sam and Rachel have taken since The Hurt Locker, I find this to be their best episode to date by miles just because of their talk.

Nevermind, I just watched it. Calling Unique a cross-dressing Mercedes was too much I had to turn it off. I take back what I said, the hypocrisy alone deserves an F. I'm kinda done with this show besides the next two episodes and the finale.

This is probably one of the more subjective episodes of the series. The critical acclaim is nill (but then, so was season 4 & 5) but it seems as though a good portion of viewers enjoyed it, if twitter and facebook comments are anything to go by.

Okay, having watched twice I want to go on record saying it's my favorite episode of season 6 to date. It was cracky for sure but there's something about it that's so Glee, that I haven't gotten in a long time. For so long they've cared and were inundated with requests from fans, so now that they don't have to worry

Also, as much as I love Sam and Mercedes, Rachel and Sam exhibited more chemistry in a one minute scene than the former did in three seasons.

I thought it was sweet. I don't know what anyone really expected, it's not like the show was going to suddenly get great after this season. I think of the season this is certainly a gem, along with Orphans and the Pilot.

I actually like every single one of the new kids. Call me crazy. I like Jane's attitude, I loved Roderick's voice, I like Mason's raising the roof thing and I loved loved loved Madison's voice (there's something so vintage-y about it). Oh, the potential. Let's hope it's put to good use.

I thought this was a great episode given the context. I'm not too happy about the show's timeline but in reality, this ep was shot on the heels of the CM tribute, and I get that maybe the actors needed a silly break after filming something tragic, hence this and next week's tweaking episode. But what this episode did

Something I noticed is that most of the episodes written by people other than RIB are rated really low. I wonder if they know this and don't care or just don't care in general.