
Did anybody else think Bobby's interaction with the movie theater usher echoed the very first scene of episode 1, season 1? It's been awhile, but as I recall Don's at a bar working on the Lucky Strike campaign, and he strikes up a conversation with a black waiter. He wants to know what brand of cigarette he smokes,

In the final season of a popular, long-running series, new characters are added while another, wearing a helmet, performs a death-defying cycle stunt.  Did anybody else think the writers were making a tongue-in-cheek reference to Jumping the Shark?

In the final season of a popular, long-running series, new characters are added while another, wearing a helmet, performs a death-defying cycle stunt.  Did anybody else think the writers were making a tongue-in-cheek reference to Jumping the Shark?

Dalton's performance was outstanding. He single-handedly breathed life back into the show. His transformation from Tuttle to Volcoff can be described as — dare I say it? — Keyser Soze-esque. I wasn't even sure it was Dalton at first, but in the final scene, there he was, a commanding, intimidating, presence.