Little Emma Adderall

For a while I've been rooting for Dany as Queen, Margaery as Hand, and Arya as Queen's Guard. I know there's no chance of it happening, but wouldn't it be fucking awesome?

Where is he not the best looking dude?

Her thighs are largely covered by her skirt anyway, so we don't actually know if she has a proper thigh gap. The artist made her calves touch instead.

Oddly enough, I was Daria for Halloween a few years ago and regularly wear the boots with just about everything.

Jared is ALWAYS a standout.

Which she knew was a mistake! She was very vocal that Sandra would win, but Russell wouldn't listen. What she really needed to do was cut him once he went for Danielle. But c'est la vie, we'll always have Micronesia.

Not only that, but he reduces Parvati's social game to flirting with the boys, which is not what she's really about.

Men are constantly overestimating women's desires to see their dicks.

I'd much rather Richard Hatch be President than Trump.


I'm so sorry.

I sure hope you're not the guy on Twitter who seems to be asking that to every person or news source that's tweeted about her death, while tagging Patton in it.

"This fucking sucks" keeps running through my head.

I'm so sorry to hear that. My condolences.

Blood vs. Water, Caramoan, One World, Redemption Island…

Well, it was only a tie because he voted for Scot, so that argument wouldn't really hold water. If he had voted for Aubry, it would be 3-3 Scot and Aubry and still 2 votes for Tai.

I don't believe that would be allowed, except for in case of super idol, I suppose.

I like the idea of David Walton back on his show because he's charming and dreamy, but I'm not digging the execution so far.

Courtney. Motherfucking. Yates.