Little Emma Adderall

My favorite moment (besides Winston calling Jess Furguson's sister) was when Flip and Nancy were trying to sell Jess on the plan:
"Imagine us as grandparents!"
"You think I haven't already?!"

Also, if his character wasn't the one who was going to die in the show… how in the world was he going to survive that gun shot wound? Doesn't exactly seem like there's access to hospitals in Zombie High.

Hey, I'm in LA too! High five!

Well yeah. I figured that part was implied.

They shoot in Vancouver.

Seriously, an actor is killed on set and the most that happens is the lead actress gets a later call time? Seattle productions are craaaaazy.

What if you believe George Zimmerman is guilty but followed the case closely and understand why he was found not guilty because the prosecution did such a poor job? And you don't necessarily think Avery is innocent, but that he should have at least gotten a new trial and that at worst Dassey was an accessory after the

The fact that some of the cops are at least claiming they still don't think Avery was innocent of the rape charge in the 80s is pretty baffling to me.

I still can't get over that line. That's such a disgusting thing to say.

I don't trust people who don't.

I already saw it on tumblr last night.

My mom actually has pretty AC Club adjacent taste, but Rizzoli and Isles is definitely her cliche mom show. And she was not happy with how they handled Lee Thompson Young's death.

Yeah, saying there's a major female role in The Revenant is quite a stretch, although I think @ashesofdonnie:disqus is correct in saying who was being referred to.

Agreed. You don't just randomly start having a voiceover in the middle of the film just because you need some exposition.

I found the film ultimately enjoyable, but man do I wish he had cut down on the flashback chapter. The movie did not need three hours to tell its story and that is most evident during that sequence. Without getting too into spoilers, we already know how we got to that point, we didn't need to follow every step.

I didn't see it until my freshmen year of college (2008) when my friends found out I hadn't seen it and immediately rented it at Blockbuster.

Coraline is the last movie I've seen in 3D. I hate 3D, but yeah it was definitely worth it.

I haven't read the books, but from what I heard, the book was even more guilty of making that plot point about Theon.

But clearly he wasn't obviously manipulating, since they all voted for him to win.

Pretty sure Tasha is older than Jeremy.