
Obligatory Firefly, Firefly Firefly.

Ah! I remember being in high school when Titanic came out. The multitude of girls who were obsessed with that movie poisoned the well for me; I have never, ever been able to view the movie with unbiased eyes.

Alan Moore would be a serious contender for this title.

Read EW's review and it mentioned that none of the Seuss's words made it into the movie. What is the point of adapting Seuss without his words? The appeal of Seuss is in his literal words! Which is why the TV cartoon Grinch adaption works and this shitty looking movie probably doesn't.

No it didn't. It really, really didn't.

This is going to make so much money this weekend. So. Goddamned. Much. Just wait and see!

Thora Birch was great in GW. What happened to her career? I barely noticed ScarJo was in it as the impatient ex-bestie. She was great in LiT though.

Avengers. Love Whedon and think that what he's done on television far surpasses Nolan's film work.
The only Nolan property I love completely is Memento. TDK pissed me off with its awfulness and fakey core message, so totally: Avengers!

I can see a really nasty box office fight but smart money is on Bats.

Batman Begins made a small fortune at the box office, ww gross was just under $400m, on par with Superman ReturnsThe Dark Knight made over a $1b, almost 3x more. Gee, I wonder what was the decisive factor in that huge jump of interest?

They love it in every demographic: colored people, broads, fairies, Commies…

me too, horny midget, me too.

I also would not object, though my natural inclination is for Tony/Steve.

I read this article, nodding my head and agreeing, yet cannot see the sensible solution of having people exercise their own willpower ever working. It's the tragedy of the commons, as defined by trusty wikipedia:

I reread the graphic novel after I saw the movie and the strange thing is how faithful Snyder is to the book — getting most of the details and plot points right — and yet entirely misses the atmosphere and tone.

She had a taser for the occasional spot of violence. Or her dog, Back Up. Back Up was awesome.

Neither Buffy Summers nor Veronica Mars would go to the cops; why try to involve the police when there is justice to be meted out by their own hands?

I love Beverly Cleary's mouse series way more than any of her other books. I always thought Ramona was an awful brat, while the mouse & the motorcycle series perfectly balanced sweetness and magical realism. His helmut is made from a ping pong ball and he makes the motorcycle go by making a "brrrrm brrrrm" sound! How

Did you just write something about oranges and melons? I'm so confused.

Even better: it's a "whimsical" film BY mimes! If that isn't the absolute pinnacle of twee…