
The Bandito Brothers strike out again.

The bottle episode made my heart grow like 3 sizes. I love P&R and it's the more consistently good show, but Community owns me more.

Talented Mr. Ripley is indeed awesome; it and Gattaca persuaded me for a time that Jude Law was a movie star.

I thought about including Aaron Paul, but it might be the role, not the actor himself. I need to see him be great in one non-Breaking Bad role before I call judgment, myself.

me too! but my shame was much lesser, I assure you.

Gosling, Gordon-Levitt and Samantha Morton (who I love and hasn't found roles worthy of her since the double whammy of Minority Report and Sweet and Lowdown, and is turning 35 this year) for the movies.

mm, the complaint of domestic abuse by an ex-gf kinda killed it for me, so I can no longer hit it. sucks.

I've been watching season 2 on DVD for the past couple of days, so I feel 1% somehow responsible for this awesome news.

Shoeshine will stomp on the shards of your broken heart.

I think my favorite endings all involve terrifically bruised hearts, hurt by the ambiguity of being in love. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and In the Mood for Love come to mind; in the former, I was torn between wanting them to be together or break apart forever. Either outcome seemed equally realistic and

Have you tried getting her a little drunk? Only a LITTLE, mind. Apply too much alcohol and you're veering into bad territory.

not responsible enough.

This. Though I'd nominate season 2 over 3, but really both are fantastic. S2 had the stronger arc (Angelus = best Big Bad ever) while S3 had the stronger standalones (though the Mayor was awesome).

Global Frequency is the first show that popped into my mind when I saw this feature and the aborted pilot is indeed good stuff.

My opinion is slightly higher than yours; it's deliberately over the top and there are a handful of funny moments, but the PG-13 rating was limiting and the ending is just a big dumb action fest like every other movie.

I'm not a Clooney fan (there's often an edge of self-pitying nobility to his Cary Grant-like charm), but he probably has the most impressive filmography of an modern American movie star. Three Kings is one of my favoritest movies of the past 15-20 years, Out of Sight is sublime, plus his various movies with the Coens.

I miss The Good Wife and want it back on my TV immediately and yet all I feel when I see Matthew Perry's pic is weirdness bc I just randomly found out he's dating Lizzy Caplan in real life. What? how?

Peter is the unlikable jerk and Will is the (dreamy) likable jerk. I'm actually a little scared of Peter.

me too. I'm wondering if seeing it at a late Friday night showing with (hopefully) a bunch of random nerd-boys will improve the experience. A really enthusiastic audience experience can make a movie; I saw Indy 4 with an awesome crowd and still kinda think it was a good movie.

I have a feeling British (or Irish) thespians could all be safely put in the charming motherfucker category.