
Ya, he deserves so much better than to be in a successful, Oscar-winning film.

Autism manifests in many different ways, that's why it's a spectrum. For the record, I believe both his sister and his mother fall somewhere on the spectrum themselves, judging by their behavior. To imply that there aren't people on the spectrum like Sam is disingenuous. I've known several myself and still interact

Then you should note that I never referred to it as unethical, just them operating in bad faith. I've looked into this further and discovered: 1) The "near bankruptcy" was an actual bankruptcy that did, indeed, take place, 2) the restructuring and other deals made to get Marvel out of bankruptcy didn't involved those

Yes, the near bankruptcy in 1996 was a given. But it now seems like you are guessing that the the big, bad studios were taking advantage of poor, little Marvel. Obviously, the other studios were going to get something of value out of it, but to make it sound one-sided is disingenuous without specific insight into

And also, a country

Wrong episode, dude!

You are wrong. They are classified as having "gender dysphoria" which is an anxiety, not body dysmorphic disorder.

Prior art. It wasn't the first comic con. There *have* been dozens of comic cons since the '70s. They tried, failed, and abandoned trademark registration for “Comic Con” in 1999. Several comics cons existed before they were granted a trademark for Comic-Con. SDCC really has no legal leg to stand on.

Dyeing with an "e", not the other kind of dying. His father doesn't do the whole euthanasia thing.

5 stages of denial Trumpsters use:

People always forget that although the critics trashed it, most movie-goers liked it.

Count me as another who had no idea what to expect from the season and would have preferred to be surprised.

The whole article is written to invoke the spectre of gaslighting: "DC’s next animated feature might be", "DC oddly seems to forget about this every single time that it happens". Finding just the most obvious allusion and playing like you invented the joke doesn't seem right.

That's adorable.

You caught me. I was just Kiddering.

Brandon Routh already told Melissa Benoist that she reminds him of his cousin.

Hope doesn't start with an "S".

Well, consider Kidder died in 2008 …

Hatcher killed it, dude.

Haven't we impressed upon them that it's dangerous and forbidden?