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    I want the third volume in Simon Callow's spectacular Orson Welles biography. It was eleven years between The Road to Xanadu and Hello Americans, and that was too damn long! (And it's been another eight since then!)

    > Ron was watching "Bridge Over River Kwai" actually… And it was a bit odd that he seemed to have just started his meal as the tv was showing the climax of a pretty long movie…

    DeTACHable PEEEEnis! DeTACHable PEEEEnis!

    I need to find a real life excuse to use the phrase "filthy wetcape".

    Yeah, there's a lot of weird sublimation going on there. I had forgotten the pervy Songmaster.

    Orson Scott Card's Ender series came to a natural, and lovely, conclusion at the end of the fourth book, Children of the Mind.

    Takei actually says it in ST6. When he's captaining the Excelsior and recording his captain's log right at the beginning of the movie. I remember reading (probably in Starlog or some damn thing) that Nicholas Meyer put it in there so it would finally be official.

    Watching those clips just reawakened the joy I felt when they shitcanned that reboot.

    Since we're in an article about cynical, sarcastic detectives with unhappy backstories, how about Veronica Mars? The first two seasons, anyway. Three you can skip.

    Thanks to this thread, I've spent the last hour reading wiki entries on old Star Trek books. Good fucking god did I read a lot of these things. The Entropy Effect, The Wounded Sky, Tears of the Singers, Strangers from the Sky, Ishmael (Ishmael! A book that combines Star Trek and Here Come the Brides!).

    Underserved characters on Parenthood
    Remember Drew? Cause the writers don't.

    I read the shit out of ST books as a kid, and there are a few genuinely terrific ones. I loved Prime Directive, which is about a mission where every single fucking thing goes wrong and Kirk and crew become galactic exiles. And there's one called How Much For Just The Planet? that reimagines Star Trek as a musical

    Ha! I managed to make it look like I was pointing at myself. That's what I get for trying to be clever instead of just saying what I mean. Which is that I think this thread is full of assholes.

    ^———- Hey look everybody! DOUCHEBAGS!

    It's a whole new batch now. It seems like they've come up with a pretty clever way to keep the show running forever by regularly graduating seniors and introducing new freshmen. Like a real high school, come to think of it.

    > I suspect I'm the only AV Clubber who watches it.

    Snake's now the principal of Degrassi.


    > Where's the LFO comeback we've been clamoring for?

    It would have been a lot more interesting if Joel had turned out to be the one with the problem. We've seen it this way so many times before, but I can't remember a show ever doing an infertility storyline where the guy is the problem.