Barry Lyndon Johnson

Dead thread I am sure, but Letterman was also in Man On The Moon. They had to use some kind of green screen deal because he refused to be on a movie set or something.

The percentage of celebrities, or their kids, who have gone to a school like NYU or Stanford or an Ivy League School is very disproportionate to the percentage of the general population. If you're famous and enroll you will do well even if you never show up. Even a school like Harvard is not going to blow that

Well he's gotten an absolutely incredible amount of press for simply going to college like a normal person, so that's probably why.

She may be any number of things, but pretty is not one of them. Puffed up and plastic, maybe.

I'm not saying it's good per se, but "Scrooged" is pretty much the only "Christmas movie" I can stand. Maybe "Metropolitan" but that's not really a true Christmas movie.

Jay Mohr makes Rob Schneider look like Lenny Bruce.

He played here a few months ago, and the review basically said he was great but see him RIGHT NOW before he dies.

This guy was seriously a frigging comedy supernova pre-Entourage. All those great, weird roles he did - PCU, Larry Sanders - made it seem like he was destined to be this generation's cult comedy hero. Not even Car 54 could bring him down. Then he did that frat boy show, ate some bad sushi, and the rest is history.

The trailer made it look amazing, with him ranting about smoking on a plane to the flight attendant. Good writing in that ONE scene. Though I gotta give it up to James Brolin (he was in that right?)

Garry Marshall either had a stroke and became a hack or he died and some hack stole his identity because he is seriously an American treasure yet he continues to crank this garbage.

Moynihan's howl of desperation was so great at the end.

That picture is like a scene from a really demented Dennis The Menace or something.

Aw come on, DeVito was freaking great in Heist.

The Dark Knight had maybe the worst sound mixing I've ever heard, at least the theatrical version.

Doesn't he call him Jimmy? I love Letterman.

It didn't turn out so well the last time (the faking it episode).

Well he is merry, I'll give him that.

American Psycho 2 is a textbook case of a studio having a script lying around and just putting a sequel's name on it without trying to tie it into the previous one at all. Also, The Sting 2. I love movies like that, even though they usually suck.

The clothing issue is exactly why they pretape it. Also because sometimes a band or comic is in town for a week and they need a segment for the next week.

He did have amazing music guests. I remember when he had the Buzzcocks on.