Barry Lyndon Johnson

You should check out Tampa sometime if you haven't already. The main entertainment neighborhood has been basically bought out by the "church." And Clearwater is essentially one giant Scientologist community.

I never read the book but the ending to the mini-series is one of the biggest middle fingers to the audience I can recall. And all the bad people go to Vegas but hang out DOWNTOWN??? No no no.

it was bad. very, very bad.

Kind of interesting, since intelligibility is not one of Tim Armstrong's best traits.

Liam was/is seriously a great frontman. So much stage presence. I always thought he should have just decided not to be a massive asshole and enjoy the ride. But he sold millions of records anyway.

The jerk store called and they're running out of you!

Why does everyone love Keener anyway? I can't stand her and Josh Modell is the only person I can remember saying that. Probably does have something to do with her "Malkovich" character, but I also hated her in that Seinfeld ep she was in and she just takes up space in Johnny Suede (though that movie sucks anyway).

Rhinestone is famously an awful movie, but Leibman is so great in it it's almost worth watching just for his scenes.

He lives near me and eats at this sushi place all the time. No one cares though, they're just like "oh there's Travolta again."

This guy has a lot of anger for someone who was so successful so young. Not just in this interview but pretty much any interview I've read with him he just seems so irked. Chill dude, you never have to work a day job again. Enjoy it.


Kids In The Hall had one around the same time where Dave Foley vomits at everything except the sight of the dead body. Knowing SNL's penchant for stealing stuff that one probably came first.

I think the plan was use the extra van to deliver the mail around NYC and then basically steal it to drive to Michigan.

So this is irrelevant to Tori Amos but I just read this today and had to post this somewhere: Patrick Wilson and his brothers are in a Van Halen tribute band.

If they really have to quit then they either didn't tour or they did tour and they suck so no one came. Most of the music people download is stuff they weren't going to buy anyway, and that's just a fact.

I hope he wakes up as he is the only person who knows where Syd Barrett lives.

Either the question sequence got screwed up or she genuinely thinks Tarantino wrote After Hours.

Doors had some awesome album tracks. They get short changed by Break On Through playing on the radio 10 times a day.

It's Only Rock N Roll always seemed underrated to me. Time Waits for No One is right up there with their best ballads. I also always liked Melody on Black and Blue. It's basically a Billy Preston song, but BP was the man.

EC in the early '80s: Get Happy, Trust, Imperial Bedroom. I don't know of many trifectas as good as that one.