
Thank you and bless you. My sentiments exactly. I also didn't know this was still airing. It's on the list of shows I don't watch, along with the CSI franchise, (though the parody is funny on Adult Swim) Criminal Minds, and some other show I've forgotten.

Hey! You're the ones that didn't like our capering! When you get to hell, tell them Itchy & Scratchy sent you! *Kicks them away from the helicopter*

"With a dry, cool wit like that, I could be an action hero."

Jesus! You can't DRIVE A STICK?! 
Translation: Jesus! You don't HAVE A DICK?!
Well played, Bob.

Phyllis also states in the pilot that she and Mary knew each other previously, because she knows about Mary's failed relationship, and tells Bess to call her "Aunt Mary".

Initially, CBS scheduled Carol Burnett at 10 pm Mondays. I remember because my bedtime was 8pm weekdays. I used to sneak and try to watch it. I was overjoyed when the show moved to Saturdays when I had no bedtime.

I bought this when it was first released (on VHS!), and it freaked me the hell out. My partner, who normally doesn't like animated features, thought it was excellent. A+ infinity.

I thought " there's no way in hell he will do it", and fell off my couch when he did. I want the gif.

Eek! A mouse (rat)!

Who cares if Bob Benson's gay? But he wants PETE CAMPBELL?! Talk about a hate-fuck.

Peter Brady and Wally Cleaver (don't judge me).

Why did Joey Laurence shave his head if he wasn't bald?

Sandie Shaw and Dionne Warwick also recorded it.

Those were hot pants. Those legs! That ass! A shame they didn't get to the beach: we missed a shirtless scene ( I think he's hairy ).

Everyone was hot for Betty because she's no longer fat (though her husband said he loved her whatever her weight).

I thought it was Lou Johnson.

You got that right. Nothing can touch Southland.

The kicker was Darren moving towards Frankie as she started dancing.

Marion Ross is immortal.