
Brick and Axl dancing together should have bumped the episode up to A+.

I had hoped the writers would have the courage to kill House in the series ender, but I certainly didn't expect the old fake death routine. I thought no show would stoop that low.

I had hoped the writers would have the courage to kill House in the series ender, but I certainly didn't expect the old fake death routine. I thought no show would stoop that low.

3 Questions:
1. Why did they believe the corpse was House when it had a different height and build? 
2. Is it that easy to switch dental records?
3. Why does House feel fine with letting his friends and family believe he is dead?

3 Questions:
1. Why did they believe the corpse was House when it had a different height and build? 
2. Is it that easy to switch dental records?
3. Why does House feel fine with letting his friends and family believe he is dead?

Harry will burn for Lakshmi when he gets an STD.

Harry will burn for Lakshmi when he gets an STD.

I had such a crush on Chris Knight.

I had such a crush on Chris Knight.

I loved how they tried to disguise Beaver's house which was across from Susan's. They do the same thing with the "Bewitched" house on "The Middle."

What was Pete reading?

I didn't have time to read all 8 pages of comments, but did anyone notice Principal Belding as the 300 pound dessert boss? Or whatever it was that Don called him.

What really irked me about the "Dark Shadows" trailer is that the Barry White song they used was released in 1975, yet the movie is set in 1972.

This song will always remind me of the fall of 1971, and starting 6th grade at a new, predominately white, school.

Bobbi Adler was just Debbie Reynolds if she had never become famous (which was why she performed in local dinner theater).

Hey, Oliver: it's my birthday today also.

PEGGY GAVE A HANDJOB!!! That is all.

I've caught typos all during the week.

Based on the many typos I've read, that job has been open for some time. I've offered to do it for free.

I've always loved "Petulia." Especially the scenes on the then empty Alcatraz island, before it became a tourist stop. Alcatraz is also featured in "Point Blank."