
The Doodletown Pipers? WTF kind of name is that for a group?

The AV Club really needs a proofreader. I can volunteer my services for free.

I was hoping to hear "Red, Red Wine", but no one performed it.

The only reason this film became a holiday classic (it was not a hit when released) is because the copyright expired in the seventies, and it was cheap to broadcast during Christmas..

And depriving Bedford Falls men of Gloria Graham's prostitute charms.

The call was coming from inside the house! (Oops, wrong movie spoiler).

"It's a Wonderful Life" was already a Christmas staple by the mid-70s, otherwise Marlo Thomas would not have starred in a tv remake. The film was broadcast every Christmas starting in the mid-70s because the copyright had expired, and the rights were cheap.

Why does she wear that stupid hat?

Great movie. I don't know why I never see it on cable.

Ex-cellent. You're right: he should STFU already.

Jeff singing out that note reminded me of the ending of 1978's "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (there's the horror movie connection).

"Boil that dust speck" is one of the songs/phrases I remember from "Horton."

Didn't remember this until I saw the article. Would like to see it again to see if it holds up.

Sitcom stars get better looking the more successful their show becomes? Mac obviously missed  Matthew Perry's skeletal "prescription drug addiction" years on "Friends." Perry then gained too much weight, though he didn't look like Mac. Someone should tell Mac he's not Deniro, and "Sunny" isn't "Raging Bull."

She looks more like Barbara Nichols than MM.

That's Matthew Sweet? I didn't recognize him.

My only memory from the episode: Florence Henderson singing "Elusive Butterfly" while a muppet butterfly flits about. Not the best song or situation.

I didn't know that. Thanks for the info. I hated "The Batman!" series.

Hey Oliver, what's the Bat-embargo?

This episode was amazing. If NBC cancels this, while continuing to broadcast other crappy shows (WHITNEY) then the network deserves to burn to broadcast hell.