Rum Tum Tugger

Life During Wartime
No sir, I didn't like it.

Life During Wartime
No sir, I didn't like it.

As long as it isn't revealed that Robert Palmer didn't sing "Some Like It Hot", I think we're okay.

Nah, let him go. He's on a roll.

European Vacation may not be great cinema but it's the perfect Saturday afternoon cable comedy.

I'd have called them Chazzwazzers.

I don't think the sketch is about Saturday Night Fever at all, actually. Besides the kind-of Travolta impression.

If that's the case, then obviously the problem with Chicago is that its residents are so domitable.

Movies where Chicago is destroyed…
I'd love to see a list, because I can think of at least a dozen movies where they blow up New York and can't think of one offhand about Chicago.

Was the Simpsons the first time the soldiers-switching-identities thing was used? I feel like there must have been a classic movie, or maybe a not so classic one, where they got the idea.

Animal Farm is about communism?
I thought it was just a cute story about funny animals.