Well, TZ did stealth sequels, like using the same dummy in two separate ventriloquist episodes…
Well, TZ did stealth sequels, like using the same dummy in two separate ventriloquist episodes…
Well…uh…do you want to get some coffee this week?
Man, I never liked Kattan. This was cathartic for me.
Mmmm, on the grand scale, her sins are less than being a sadist. Overall, though, I got the impression that she would smother dear old dad with a pillow if she just merely wanted his money in a more timely fashion.
Well…yeah…I mean, I assumed that since TZ dealt in obvious points that are outlined in thick black lines that we were to believe that animal cruelty = violent behavior later in life.
Yes, it helps to look at this as an EC comics story. Bad people get their comeuppance by people who are better….but only marginally better!
My weekly awkward social moment thread (that will probably just be me, and at best also Ann03, ha)
Damn you Anne……dammmn youuuuu [shakes fist at sky]
Uh, sorry, this was a parody of Eye Of The Beholder But thanks for the links, this was interesting.
I think the implication is that he's moved on to more fucked up and more adult behaviors that start with animal cruelty…
Harry Knowles…sorry, buddy!
Let's see… [groans] … ooh, that bursitis is really acting up today.
Yep. The whole episode should have revolved around him…that was the true story here. How does he reconcile that a guy killed (boo! "thou shall not kill") a bunch of violent racists (yay! someone is taking a stand against them) as both a potential victim of said violence but also as a man who serves God?
I got started on the PS3 version, and it was REALLY hard to switch to PC controls :)
Is Jay-Z the least photogenic person in history?
Again I have to back up your love for JC2. I don't know if you are playing the PC version or not, but there are some FANTASTIC mods for the game. I even made my own "no rain" mod.
[Creeper mugs for camera]
[freeze frame]
??? That song is…poppy…normal…
Geeze, you have a very nice mom…