Jeff Tweedy

Christ all-fucking mighty, what a cock-up of a review.

I'd recommend DuckDuckGo, but I haven't found it to be much better in terms of search results.

Nah, not really.


Damn you Lemur, damn you.

Fuck Google. From "Hey, nice search tech" to "World's shittiest tech company and fuck you for thinking Microsoft was really that bad, you stupid twats"

Um. Uh. Do you, like, lick each other, too?

Uh, dude, that was a decade later…he was probably sick of listening to whatever bullshit was on in 198x

See, that's weird. I grew up on the East Coast, but in a much smaller and not even remotely metropolitan city. Take away the accent, and you've described every member of MY family, haha. Is it a blue collar thing?

This is why I loved Flint. He was grumpy but loveable and had a good heart.

The Meetings Sextet was my intro to Dragonlance. I LOVED Kindred Spirits. Loved it. Any D&D after that for me, I was Flint.

I love this guy's voice. You can't get this unless you were born in the Staten Island dumps.

This is really shitty

No. But damn if Antoine isn't handsome as hell.

Break in 10

Look, they don't call him "Kentucky Fats" just because he's a morbidly obese brain-dead corn-bread hick honky cracker.

Well, dummy, if you didn't have 3 kids maybe you wouldn't have to work like a chump slave. Just a thought. Birth control is a hell of a lot cheaper than child care.

Gooch is our own Gene Schallit.

Don't give me that line, BROTHER! [Oh no, he's gone insane!]

And it wouldn't be the first time Vince Neil killed someone…