Rodent of Unusual Size

The quirk is definitely present. You might have to wait a couple episodes before the show can really settle down and explore its town, but all the characters are quirky on their own. Delightful is really the best word for it.

I'm looking forward to Sasha and Michelle and Truly all living together for at least six more seasons.

Especially given that the song Cosette danced to was in Moonrise Kingdom.

Are you a big Gilmore Girls fan? If so, watch Bunheads - it's just the same kind of delightful. Quirky people, fast dialogue - it's a comedy-drama, leaning on the comedy but able to pull of an emotional gut-punch if it needs to.

The emoticons line slayed me. If I were Nikki, I wouldn't be waiting is all I'm saying.

You can offer me a diamond-plated pearl,
You can send me all the riches in the world,
You can tempt me with the palaces of kings,
I'd give 'em back in a sack and keep the simple things.

I actually cried the first time I saw the Pigeon Man episode, when the rooftop got wrecked. That was a really dark place to go, now that I think about it. It's a sad rebuke to Arnold's belief in everyone's innate goodness. God, I love this show.

I stopped watching the show and thus also stopped commenting on the reviews when the whole Chef Jeff thing went down and the show took a dive. But now that it's restored to its previous heartfelt glory, I'm invested in the reviews again.

That hug made me tear up a little.

I just watched Freaks and Geeks, so I was nervous there was going to be a reveal where Bay actually cheated, Franco-style.

Murray—Present - that's probably the pop-culture quote that I use most frequently. Some of my friends who are unfortunate enough to have not seen this movie actually think it's my catchphrase.

Murray—Present - that's probably the pop-culture quote that I use most frequently. Some of my friends who are unfortunate enough to have not seen this movie actually think it's my catchphrase.



Hey now.

Hey now.

"Monkey paw, you know.."

"Monkey paw, you know.."

I learned it from Tom Haverford, but that could be just me.

I learned it from Tom Haverford, but that could be just me.