
As someone who's been involved in IT/Software marketing for many years, I guess I should congratulate Apple on gaining such a customer base of perfectly gullible drones.  Still, makes me die inside a little every time I read a post from a Jobs fanboy.  Perpective is lacking. Guy was a half-tarded dick who never wrote

Pretty ho-hum, although I was delighted to see this "future" technology in use:  
http://www.virtual-laser-de…  Been around since the Palm/WM 6 days and they work pretty slick!  Samsung has demo'd them built into their phones.  Cool.

Pretty ho-hum, although I was delighted to see this "future" technology in use:  
http://www.virtual-laser-de…  Been around since the Palm/WM 6 days and they work pretty slick!  Samsung has demo'd them built into their phones.  Cool.

I enjoyed the first 7/8ths of this episode, but reverting to the same old can't speak/can only mouth half-words and make goofy facial expressions in an awkward relationship scenario because I'm a genetic male - which worked SO well in Episode 1 - didn't go over so well this time for me probably because it was done

I enjoyed the first 7/8ths of this episode, but reverting to the same old can't speak/can only mouth half-words and make goofy facial expressions in an awkward relationship scenario because I'm a genetic male - which worked SO well in Episode 1 - didn't go over so well this time for me probably because it was done