Reginald Vel Johnson

Deadwood on DirecTV
Just started watch Deadwood on DirecTV's "The 101 Network". They're airing it and Oz completely unedited in their entirity. Would be nice if this TV Club blog could keep pace with one episode a week…oh well…

The Rock
Ok, did anyone else think this episode paralleled The Rock?

Jaleel White..
is a show stealing bastard! Family Matters was supposed to be about me!

I always appreciate a good D-Plan reference. Thank you for that, Armchair Critic.

NO! Don't leave! We need you!

I'd jar jar her binks.

D-Plan, yes please. I'm still kicking myself for not getting tickets to the reunion show that happened a couple of years ago.

I think I caught whatever you had Zack. Thanks man, real cool.

Kevin: "Oh, come on man! Believe in something!"


That high five made the whole 2 hours worth it. So uncomfortable. You gotta wonder, why did they leave that in? It makes Ryan look like a complete douche.

Wait for it…it'll come…

Sean, the FBI Tech
Anyone get the vibe that he is working for someone else? Possibly The Cabal? Maybe a little to obvious though, it seemed like they wanted us to think he had double motives

This is howie does it?
Howie looked really awkward/uncomfortable during the drum sequence. I think he was about 10 seconds away from calling the banker to have a long, drawn out conversation about how much money to offer the drummer.

You're absolutely right, man. That slow mo shot at the end really cemented the awesomeness for me.