Shoot the Critic

"I am pretty, I am loved."
And that was the best backstory sequence I have ever seen.

One of the best cold openings on 'The Americans,' ever. After a seemingly innocuous high school lunch conversation, we are suddenly, but subtly, revealed another domestic setting with the Jennings as parents to a young Vietnamese man. Apart from introducing us to another recruit (as well as a potential recruit), this

Does Rick really "know better"? Didn't he suggest the over-ambitious plan that doesn't work and puts them in danger? Doesn't he fall from the ferris wheel and almost get himself killed, while Michonne, like the intelligent fighter that she is, keeps herself safe behind the fence? Isn't it a sign of her humanity how

brilliant closing scene. just when you know it's going to end but are not quite ready yet to digest the episode, you get that shot of the countless, nameless women entering and, at the same time, exiting the scene, showing the simultaneity of the loneliness of hannah's circumstance and its seamless replicability.

brilliant job on the closing scene. just when you know it's going to end but are not quite ready yet to digest the episode, you get that shot of the countless, nameless women entering and, at the same time, exiting the scene, showing the simultaneity of the loneliness of hannah's circumstance and its seamless

How about Paulie on The Sopranos? Cruelest, most unsympathetic character (though he had his funny moments).

I was with you every step of the way in this review. Great read. And nice observation about the parallel between Hank buckling Jesse in the car and later opening the door for him to potentially face death. I have been saying for awhile now that Walt is all Jesse has left, and it pains me to see that fall apart. Hank

good observations. there are a few other crossovers:
*walt waking up in the middle of night out of suspicion of being watched and walking out to the driveway (tuco now hank).
*similarity in the shooting of walt's cooking meth and hank's investigating the files.
*secret stuff happening in basements, 737 with jesse and

It took me a microsecond to think of a funny line of Skyler's: the final scene of the pilot. "Walter, is that you?"