Obey The Toaster

So many questions. It's almost like they planned it that way.

I love the dynamic of this whole season. The dirty tricks you'd normally love everyone for pulling get set in a whole new light when you're intimately familiar with the people on both sides.

"I… tch fixed his arm, hrm at my place,
And when… I was near… tch he didn't shudder… tch at my face…"

Maybe he's guilty of something else? Or thinks she's trying to pin something on him?

Richard: I'll… take him tch to see… He Who Gets… tch… Shot.

I honestly think the hospital suddenly turned into a run-down hell hole because Ryan Murphy was hoping some of that Asylum cohesion would rub off on Coven.

Baby thing was definitely Fiona.

I don't know if it came from Fiona or if it was dormant and got activated by being blinded… or if maybe Angela Bassett (or whoever's responsible) threw it into the acid just to fuck with her.

She throws the coven on the ground.

He was just having a flashback. He used to work for District Attorney Dent.

I saw it coming as soon as he started pulling her by one arm, but damnit if it didn't lose an ounce of its hilarious impact.

He's just trying to feed them.

It's my Rushmore, Max.

The waiter in the restaurant mentions that someone should keep an eye out for the cops when they have the scramble-off. No one's watching and then the girl slips on a toy police car.

I think at the earliest it'll go up an hour or two after it's aired on the West Coast (12:30 I guess). Maybe as late as after when it airs in Hawaii.

I think the intimacy of the proposal actually makes it even more grand. It's just them, a beautiful view, and a simple gesture backed by true emotion.

Say what you will about Ted Mosby, man knows how to pull off a grand romantic gesture like nobody's business.

"You're slipping, Linus."
"Sorry, we were running out of glasses."

Oh… so it does.
If this conversation were a Good Wife case I'd be sending Kalinda out right about to find some information to spin this case into a weird new legal direction.

I can't believe I missed the Bewitched analogue.