My parents are still together, so I don't have anything there. And I've already talked about how I didn't date in high school…
My parents are still together, so I don't have anything there. And I've already talked about how I didn't date in high school…
Judging by the photo we see at the end of the episode, Goliath is a huge dog. I was really surprised by this because the jump the car makes when they hit him is so… small. I was expecting Goliath to be a small dog, though I guess the name should have tipped me off.
I'm probably nitpicking because I can't handle dead…
I see one major hole in that equation. *RIMSHOT* (Double pun?)
What are you doing not watching this man's show? Don't you know that The X-Files minus adults equals Gravity Falls?
Welcome to Bruce Timm Drawing Dudes.
Bruce Timm does not understand those words in that order.
I think Richard Robbed those guys to help his sister out, so when he shows up on her doorstep he's not being a burden. Easier to accept an unexpected houseguest when they can offer a little money.
That's actually very accurate.
Not to mention after listening to a scary/twisted story told by someone you barely know. If I remember correctly, they weren't friends outside of the Midnight Society, which means they probably didn't live near each other.
How exactly did that Fear Extraction machine work? Guy would lock people in the freezer/pantry for a few minutes, that demon thing would scare the shit out of them and then somehow this little valve starts dripping green liquid. Those kids weren't attached to anything.
The best thing about the AYAOTD? opening credits is that it's all so understated. It's all suggestion, some of that uncanniness that was discussed in the main body.
My God! Someone else who remembers "Roundhouse"! I knew I wasn't making it up.
Satellite Sam is probably the best thing I'm reading right now. It's giving some prose books a run for their money.
Marvel is definitely benefiting from DC having a very public meltdown. In my opinion most of their books fall into the "Really Good, Really Fun" category, which is absolutely fine. If they're having any problems behind-the-scenes they're keeping a tight lid on it, which is smart.
I want to hear Ian McShane shout "This is what happens when you have fun with a stranger in the Alps!"
I've got nothing. I've never had any interest in drugs. Hell, I've even cut out caffeine recently.
Is that a real poncho? I mean, is that a Mexican poncho or is that a Sears poncho?
Girl: I got a confession to make… I don't have enough money to pay for that pizza.
Boyd: I see. And let me guess, you were hopin' that we could come to some sort of agreement on an alternative method of payment. Is that right?
Girl: Uh-huh.
Boyd: Well that's a mighty big gamble you're takin'. You got your hopes on how…
People underestimate him at their peril.
Re: The Mahandra moment. Me too, @avclub-56dfc41867dc4d05e285222c24c4e7c2:disqus . Not only is it touching and romantic and all that good stuff, but it's just about the best final scene an actor/actress in a supporting role could ask for.