Obey The Toaster

Orange Whip? Orange Whip? Three Orange Whips!

I don't know if having a holdover episode from this season will necessarily cut into next season, but I guess we'll see.

And that's why you don't mix up Gene Parmesan with J. Walter Weatherman.

They do share Becky Ann Baker.

After the last episode she starts working for Mr. E to make ends meet.

If any series deserves a visit from Ted McGinley…

Here's a thought: drop the half man, add in a pizza place, have Nathan Fillion replace one of the two leads, and I think we've got something.

I just want it to go away. Is that too much to ask?

And that dildo will be the best actor on the show.

Will do. I've got a pretty good communion story too, though it isn't embarrassing.

That is a fantastic moment. I feel like any other show would have made a big deal out of Lindsay realizing she'd been duped, but the show is smart enough (and has enough respect for Lindsay) to just let her accept the absurdity of it all.

I know, right? Might explain why I draw a webcomic starring a pagan college student.

"A, because it's Amazing…"

I wanted to cut a coconut in half and do the old Python horse bit while walking across the stage to receive my diploma, which my mom also put the kibosh on. Oddly, she regrets not letting me do it more than I regret not doing it.

I don't think you'll get kicked off, but you will have to turn in your badge and your gun until either the mayor stops breathing down my neck and/or a disciplinary committee decides that you're no longer a loose cannon.

Okay, so I attended Sunday school for several years at the behest of my mother, and around the time of Junior High the church tried to incorporate more "fun" outdoor activities into the proceedings, because I guess they figured out that no kids like to sit in a room on the last day of the weekend and listen to Bible

I had a green army jacket, but I wore it before becoming aware of this show.

I think it would be weird to hear actual cursing on Arrested Development.

I honestly never expected to hear anything about this ever again. I assumed it would just dissipate into the ether of Insane, Obviously Wrong Rumors.

It's not like DVDs are expensive or anything. Come on, ABC, give us this one thing!