Obey The Toaster

The force of the wind from Mothra's wings kept him pinned down.

Somewhere along the way DC decided that the kids these days like things GRITTY and EXTREME and decided to do that in a way that emphasizes they have no idea what that means.

I can see that. Economy is probably really bad if, to make ends meet, people have to take henching jobs.

I'm sure someone noticed.

I realized tonight that, because of the Internet, I have learned a lot about vibrators. Just an observation.

Accidentally on purpose.

With the obvious exception of Fox, all the co-workers felt a little bland. (Which makes sense. How much stuff about third-string characters can you throw into a half hour of television anyway?) If they stick with this job hopefully they'll develop a little more.

Embarrassing Admission: V. was the very first Pynchon I read, and I was about halfway through it when I wondered aloud when the alien lizards were going to show up. As soon as I said it I realized I had gotten my V's crossed (which seems almost thematically appropriate, now that I think about it).I liked it, but I

[The Edge and Bono burst into a room]

Customer: What's good today?
Waitress: Well we got a new Pynchon book.
Customer: Ooh! What's in that?
Waitress: Science, obscure history, spam, allusions to lowbrow pop culture, spam, puns, spam, goofy song lyrics, spam, spam, spam, spam, postmodernism, spam, spam, hockey, and spam.
Customer: Does it need quite so much

You're right, it should.

"Did I tell you to stop?"

"You best take that back! I will not stand here and listen to you call Godard overrated."

They'll never take me alive.

And thanks to that monkey, she'll never get Head-Pigeons.

Hehe… Hey, wait a second.

The Lone Ranger invites you to follow it down the rabbit hole.

Pictured Above: Anti-Americans Surfing the Web, Eating a Snack.

This show doesn't need a script doctor, it needs a cardiologist.

It's okay, everyone should be allowed to ventricle their bad jokes.