My My My

He looked like such a giant baby with his head shaved and wrapped in that huge white thing.

Death Blow: When somebody tries to blow you up, not because of who you are, but because of different reasons altogether.

I don't want it near schools, I don't want it sold to children. That's an infamia.

I'm terrified of him getting balls in the face.

I'm whelmed about this.

Allison Janney as a dirty-minded principal!

Does anyone know The Wheel on the School, another one he illustrated? The teacher read that to us in third grade and it immediately became one of my favorite books. Third grade was easily my best year in school for assigned reading.

It reminded me of when he was sleeping in the office in his underwear because Jennifer had kicked him out, and he had that nice scene with Don about his artistic black-and-white photography phase in college and how he loved the prehistoric cave paintings of handprints, which ended when Don had the idea for the

I'd go with the fact that they felt free to repurpose the death of an actual pope as a mafia-related assassination.

That's exactly what Ken would have said.

"Don Was? The producer?"

I thought of the Hilton campaign too, but for a different reason. Something they've shown more than once is clients asking for something very specific and then not liking it when they see it. When Connie said he'd meant "Hilton on the moon" literally, Don tried to save the situation by saying, "I'm sure there's a way

The thing is that I think it really does mean something different than if the same thing had happened in a more recent setting, when it really would just be treated as a letdown (I mean, it's only a couple of degrees off the standard sitcom/romantic comedy "You're breaking up with me? I thought you were proposing!"

I don't think she was expecting anything. It was just a repeat of the moving-to-Manhattan conversation — she knew it would be best to tell her up front, that it was going to be a shitshow, but that she'll get over it eventually and in the meantime she should be placated with a television or some ham. Although Peggy

"So how were Katie Holmes's tits?"
"You know the Holocaust?"
"Picture the exact opposite of that."

I think the academic consensus is pretty much that Sydney Carton is literally the only Dickens protagonist who has more than one dimension. Unless you count Scrooge, but he only has one at a time.

Hello, is that the superintendent? Yes, I would like you to know that you have a WHORE living in apartment 2R.

Western Massachusetts doesn't really count as Massachusetts.


Jesus. He's a doctor. People do need him in Vietnam. Even if he hadn't raped Joan he'd be a totally inadequate husband for her, but that's because he's whiny and incompetent at his job. Wanting to go where he can genuinely be useful is both understandable and likely to help him become less of an asshole and, in fact,