My My My

Many that live deserve death, and some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them?

Who will h8 the h8ers?

I still laugh thinking of how the woman who lost in the first sketch got a paper bag put over her head with "NO" written on it.

Damphair: worst fantasy faux-Viking name ever?

Then all those movies would technically be part of the Batman canon, and nerds would have to know everything about them.

And it's even worse in the continual hints that Ma is fucking sick of it and just won't say anything. I'd like to have been a fly on the wall of the real Ingalls covered wagon/cabin/cabin/cabin/dugout in some of those scenes. If you add up all the times something potentially lethal happens and Pa ends up saying, "I

I left my high school marching band's finals party early to go home and watch the West Wing live debate episode. So if it's a tired stunt, why, then I guess I'm some kind of schmuck.

I think they forgot to fill in the template for that one.

Not so much "became" as "revealed himself to be," and instead of being surprised and disappointed, everyone went, "Huh, yeah, that adds up."

@DaveHW:disqus  Where the hell do you get "only a select group of people, almost all of whom happen to be White, Christian, and British/French/German"?
Really, your whole comment bewilders me, but I guess I'll leave it at that, given that your other two complaints seem to be "contains magic" and "contains conflict."

The Catholic Church requests that you burn, heretic.

Surprisingly dark and occasionally naked? What are they going to do when they have to adapt Orson Scott Card's queer-bashing version of Hamlet?

If he heroically refrains from killing you on the first date, he's a keeper! Didn't your mother teach you anything?


I was a teenage girl when the books started coming out, and I was fucking horrified by what my friends were reading, both because of the implications of their finding anything appealing in such fucked-up sexual themes, and because I knew most of them hardly ever read for pleasure, and it broke my tiny Grinch's heart

Who is Lerper Ryty?


I was just going to say that. And that's to say nothing of Don's puking opus in the same episode, hearkening back to Roger's interestingly opaque, milky stream of partially digested oyster and martini in "Red in the Face."

This show has always been a soap opera. The season one finale was about a surprise pregnancy and someone threatening to reveal someone else's secret past. Season two's was all confessions, boardroom drama and Don's other secret past. And they were both great. I do think season four was the worst so far, but it was

Did anyone else watch the Derren Brown special the other week where he set up a murder mystery scenario and convinced his subject that he was the murderer? Of course, I spend pretty much every show of that type assuring myself that if it was me, I'd have figured out I was being fucked with, but I honestly think the Clu