My My My

Will Self vs. Richard "The British Sean Hannity" Littlejohn:

Dun duhnahduh duhnaduh duhnaduh duhnaduh-da-da-da DA dut dut dut DAAA deddle ut da DAAA deddle ut da DAAA (daaa da)

A lot of them descend on Cardiff now.

Better get Sean Penn in this one too, people in Sandwich need ham  and cheese.

He never did get to be THE Whitney Brown.

The Thomas Crown Affair or GTFO

Is "Boston crime movie" now its own genre?

I love that first one, it's such a high-school thing to say. That, and when Benedick lists all the errands he could go on for Leonato instead of sticking around to listen to Beatrice insult him.

He should update it another 500 years and call it Much Ado About Rutting.

It'll all be shown out of order, so when they pull that great fakeout with Hero dying, you already know it's not true.

Tell me about it. It seems like half the people you meet nowadays have vaginas.

I don't think it's a particularly punchable picture, and not just because he has his hands up in front of him in prime fist-blocking/eye-clawing position.

I think it was the first one I saw, too. I'm not sure how old I was, but it put me off watching more episodes for years afterwards, because I assumed they were all scary in that way.

Which puts you in a group with Groucho Marx, a group of people who would not belong to any group that would have them in it, a group that violates Russell's paradox, thus trapping the two of you nowhere. I'm calling this as the plot of the Christmas special.

It's Doctor Who, with an -octo-. I'm afraid your five-year ban from the fandom is renewed.

Have you ever, like, really noticed how amazing your scissors are?

You're typing from later than the year 4002? How are the talkies doing?

Which reminds me: Closer.

Whenever I saw an ad for that "Stone" movie last year, with its one-word title in an all-caps font, I kept thinking Oliver Stone had finally done what he clearly would love to do and made a three-hour film about himself.

Charlie Wilson's War?