My My My

I really love "The Unquiet Dead" and I think "The Idiot's Lantern" is a perfectly good, solid episode… but you have a point.

Mine was "The Key to Time." I was taking my sweet time rewatching those episodes when the hurricane knocked out our electricity last week. IF I'D ONLY KNOWN.

I know. A little boy, due to the influence of aliens exacerbated by a sense of parental rejection rather than through any fault of his own, starts zombifying people into masked monsters, like in "The Empty Child"… only they look and move more like the ones from "The Girl in the Fireplace"… they stalk people through a

And on the 2190333rd day, God managed to get Steven Seagal and Joe Arpaio into the same news story, laughed at us, and crossed another item off his list.

Oh God, I forgot "Access" existed.

Yeah, I don't have a problem with Roger hating the Japanese (uh… you know what I mean), but I think it was done in a broad, overbearing way, and that was season four's problem in general. "The Summer Man" is a perfect example — "Satisfaction" really is a painfully obvious song choice for this show, and Don's diary in

Agreed. And really, people hated "The Unicorn and the Wasp"? I'm honestly surprised.

Maureen Lipman as a hammy villain literally yelling "FEED MEEEE!" was one of my "oh new show, you ARE Doctor Who" moments. And I also liked "The Runaway Bride" and its giant spider. So sue me.

The thing is that it doesn't feel like "lean" storytelling when ten things are happening at once and yet every other line is still a joke or River vamping it up. It just feels cluttered and like the show doesn't consider any moment any more important than any other moment — which is especially frustrating when you

The "I know you know" thing was very reminiscent of the parody "The Curse of Fatal Death" (by Steven Moffat) where the Doctor and the Master go back and forth saying "Naturally I anticipated your going back in time and…, so I went slightly further back in time and…."

My instinct at the time was that it was the Doctor inside the suit and he was clearing up some kind of time-travel business that had resulted in there being two of him.