
I love The State as much as anybody, but it does not hold up well.

I love The State as much as anybody, but it does not hold up well.

Let's just say they moved him… TO A BIGGER HOUSE

Let's just say they moved him… TO A BIGGER HOUSE

Beck actually produced a White Stripes EP a few years back.  It was solid.

Beck actually produced a White Stripes EP a few years back.  It was solid.

I didn't plan on defending Tom Cruise today, but Collateral, Minority Report, War of the Worlds, Ghost Protocol and Tropic Thunder all came out in the last 10 years and were awesome.

I didn't plan on defending Tom Cruise today, but Collateral, Minority Report, War of the Worlds, Ghost Protocol and Tropic Thunder all came out in the last 10 years and were awesome.

The nice thing about babies the first couple months is you can take them to movies and they'll just sleep through it in their car seat.  I wouldn't waste that opportunity on a terrible movie like this, but maybe it's worth it if you get to see The Avengers later on as fair trade.

At the end of Zodiac, isn't he writing the book that is eventually adapted in the movie?  Sort of counts, right?

The thing I always focus on in that commercial is "they cancelled My Boys for this crap?"

For those of you tuning in expecting to see 60 Minutes, what the hell is wrong with you?!?!  This happens every single Sunday every single Fall, do you seriously never catch on?

I thought the closure for Uncle June, Paulie, Janice, Meadow and A.J. were spot on, and perfectly in line with the thematic arc of the show.  Obviously, other characters such as Christopher and Doc Melfi got their own brand of closure earlier in the season.  The only characters who didn't really get "closure" per se

Breaking Bad is the one show I've ever watched where you could argue every season finale would effectively double as a satisfying series finale.  You could argue me out of Season 3, as it did end on a bit of a cliffhanger, but was a perfect stopping point for Walt and Jesse's characters.

I'm sorry, do you produce a lot of live television down at the district attorney's office?

Steve played better off Al, but Jefferson played better off Marcy.  I call it a wash.

I think a tournament of interesting runner-ups would be more interesting and easier to pull off (of course most of those people would want to come back).

Chelsea and Sabrina were incredibly boring final contestants.  I was interested to hear about Sabrina's job situation, but nothing else beyond that about those two.  We'll hear from Chelsea again when Playboy comes calling.

What to Expect the First Year: Summer Watch List, Dad of a 9-month old Edition

Anyone from the actual South considers Maryland to be just as Yankee and liberal as Massachusetts.  But there's no denying when you cross over from PA into MD on I-70, there's a sign officially denoting the Mason Dixon line.