
Josta! With guarana!

In lieu of repeatedly watching the video for this song, I recommend putting it on in the background and turning on NBA TV which has been showing the '93 playoffs lately. Featuring the breakout year for the Kemp/Payton Sonics and the post-Magic Lakers almost upsetting Barkley's Suns. It's like a solid wine and cheese

They still randomly show Toys on HBO in the middle of the day. Same as they did 15 years ago. Did one of the higher-ups at HBO produce that movie or something?

An excellent philosophy for life in general.

I actually think the one thing The Big Short was missing was a little righteous indignation and the occasional f-bomb. I can't think of a better way to react to what went down.

I think Gladwell is actually at his best when he's using someone else's research to tie in to his own point. Not tearing down someone else's research but co-opting it. He did it a lot in Blink, especially. The guy is more of a philosopher than a scientist and I have no qualms with this.

Basically, yes. Throw in some Presentation of Self in Everyday Life for good measure. It reminded me of a Klosterman essay on spying on people and how that's the only way to see a person's true nature. The book was basically a vessel to expand on that concept, until the end when it gets away from that, and falls

Thanks for sharing that the director and star were at the screening you attended. That was a really important part of the story.

You left out the best part of that story, the section where the Yankees had Giambi and a 3-0 ALCS lead on the Red Sox and choked it away in the worst collapse in postseason history. You must have just forgot.

Because they have principles. Misguided nerd principles.

I'll call your 100 Percent, and raise you The Diamond Sea.

It was also produced by an in-his-prime Dr. Dre, so that certainly helps to explain its mainstream appeal.

I would listen to Lump on loop for the rest of my life before hearing Peaches on more time ever again.

I never got into their early stuff, but in the '00s they went on a terrific three album run with Soft Bulletin, Yoshimi and At War With the Mystics. My gateway to geekery recommendation would be listening to them in chronological order as they get more experimental and high concept as they go along. "Waiting For

Yeah I remember hating Sex and Candy when it first came out, because to me it represented the decline of rock music from the weird and experimental heights of the grunge and "alternative" era. But in retrospect I now sort of like it and just lump it in with the rest of the '90s radio rock on my iPod. I imagine it's

"Made no sense, wasn't funny, and was just late enough to seem a little lame"

"Bon Appetit"

I have an infant son and have no idea who Warpaint is so that joke hit home.

I have a direct rejoinder to this argument: Blues Brothers 2000.

I think most of us would take a team from Beijing wearing neon pink uniforms over a Yankees "team of destiny."