Wesley Pipes

My problem is with Eileen's dead boyfriend's age. She's 28, and we learned tonight that she's two years older than him, so he's 26. And he's supposed to be a college professor? Can someone explain this for me?

Hendrix's "Voodoo Child" for the helicopter scenes. No slight return.

The Youtube effect
Not to trivialize Followill's "exhaustion" (ah… dammit), but you've gotta wonder if the would have canceled the tour if these humiliating videos hadn't gone to Youtube. I mean, in the 70's this stuff happened pretty frequently, right? Didn't Clapton play an entire show lying on the floor?

Apparently he's making some inroads in the social assassin business as well.

I liked that, NCAA violations be damned, Lewis gave a shout-out to Ohio State, and, apparently, its Burlesque Studies program. Maybe it was the presence of Booger that inspired this.

My two favorite parts of the book:

I agree with the "he's just being a dick" assessment. I don't remember where I read this, but I'm pretty sure Dylan has cited his disgust at his own behavior upon viewing Don't Look Back as one of the reasons behind his post-motorcycle accident seclusion.

You may be right. I mean he's an undeniably accurate impressionist, but lacks any real comic timing.

I wonder if this will be one of those off-seasons where there is a mass exodus. I'd actually like Kenan to stick around a little longer because, while he's not the best, he's pretty versatile and brings a nice goofy persona to sketches. Wiig could be gone — Bridesmaids did pretty good at the box office. Sudeikis I

This paragraph
"I also think critics should be mindful of why and how most people listen to music. A critic's job is to be analytical, engaging, and provocative, which is how it should be. But as someone who's been doing this for a long time, I know that it's sometimes easier to write about a record that's unusual and

I love this, but I'm a huge fan of Norm and sports, so I guess it's only natural. I kind of hope that they start doing interviews, though, because Norm is at his best unscripted

I think that's what Lennon wsa trying to get at. It's hard to tell because he never expressed it so well.

I'm willing to be patient, it's gonna happen eventually. Not like there is much to complain about in the nudity dept so far.

Yeah that's what I thought too. It felt pretty cheap, like they were just buying time for those plots because they already had too much shit going on in this episode. But Rossum was really good, so I still enjoyed the episode. I don't know if it bodes well, though, that I really just want Steve to stay in Costa Rica.

Sports Sh0w
Norm's sports show… I don't know if… I mean, myself, as a person… I grew up. I loved sports. I loved Norm. I mean the man is a god damn genius, right? I'm just saying, if Norm's new show is, indeed, as advertised, the "Daily Show of sports" AND IT HAS FUCKIN' NORM??!!!! Pleaaaase be aweesome… pleeeasaase.

power hitter