Latverian Diplomat

Another possibility is that the nanites have some sort of sentience, and they want to keep Aaron around for some reason.

Compare Sue or Brick as somewhat exaggerated characters that still read as very true to life and sympathetic, to characters on MF like Cam or Gloria who are ridiculous exaggerations of very shopworn (and subtly hostile) stereotypes.

I actually liked that Claire bailed out Phil while putting the screws to him at the same time. Whenever a character is using the same words at the same time to say equally effective but different things to different people, that's good writing.

The vent thing was a little obsessive.

Grade's a bit high. Cable company jokes are pretty stale (even though nothing has changed since those jokes were first made, there was nothing new here either).

@avclub-c6447300d99fdbf4f3f7966295b8b5be:disqus The Manhattan episode tried to beef up the Angel threat by having the victims stuck in that hotel and fed on their whole life. They weren't allowed to just settle into the past and make the best of it, their lives were completely taken from them.

Not to mention the budget required to depict adversary worth bringing in a big gun like Squirrel Girl. Dr. Doom don't work cheap (FF movies to the contrary).

I'm finding Ichabod a little too infallible. I'd like to see him uncertain, ignorant, or even wrong once in a while.

I would have liked the Sandman to congratulate and peacefully release her after she broke through her fear. Ostensibly, he's an agent of justice, and he should be perfectly happy with her confession of wrongdoing and commitment to make up for it. That's why the ritual would work at all.

@Kumagoro:disqus I think you meant, Miracle Visitors. It sounds interesting. It's kind of an inversion of the current scientific thinking, which is that both demons and UFO aliens are hypnogogic dreams manifesting culturally specific bad guys. I say bad guys because hypnogogia can be terrifying for the people that

@avclub-7a5a3fe4ae33de425d06ac4fe8d097d2:disqus It's pretty up scale for mentally ill wards of the State, as well.

The use of sheriff for a county level elected official is almost universal as far as I know. States, and cities of sufficient size have police departments run by appointed officials.

The quote used is probably apocryphal though. If so, Crane wouldn't be familiar with it.

Well, the 2nd Continental Congress was acting as a de facto central government from the start of the Revolution, and the problems with getting the colonies to work together there were well known.

It's not like massacres and oppression of Native Americans was a new thing in his day. One of the casus belli for the Revolution was the Quebec Act, which was the British Parliament's attempt to slow down the colonist's project of crossing the Appalachians and taking more land from the natives there.

He quoted Burke tonight which fits the time period ("All that is necessary for the triumph of evl etc.") but that is believed to be apocryphal, and if so, Crane would almost certainly not be familiar with it.

And like the rest of the Iroquois, the Mohawks were pro-British, and justifiably so.

A vandal who wanted his graffito to pass FCC obscenity rules.

I thought Eddie's new job would turn out to be pure makework with no stakes or danger at all. In retrospect, that was probably naïve on my part, Eddie has seen enough to know what Nucky's business errands look like.

Though the Four Horsemen should really be shown as working for Jeebus. He's the one who releases them in the text of Revelation.