Latverian Diplomat

So any thoughts on who juiced up the baby? Did the Espheni slip something special into Tom's testicles while he was in captivity? Did the Vohm intend some surreptitious genetic enhancement as just another piece of military tech they are generously sharing? Long shot the skitters are testing a harness

@fursa_saida:disqus I agree the Janissaries are a closer fit for the Unsullied. My misgivings about the Unsullied is that I'm skeptical that the amount of degradation and dehumanization they suffer leads to elite troops. A lot of elite military had or have severe training regimens, but they also seek to foster pride,

@blooptaabi:disqus I wouldn't say that, but it is aggravating when they don't do their usual good work, and I think attention to detail (and optics) was neglected in this scene.

Game of Thrones turned into a workplace dramedy so gradually, no one even noticed.

It looks like it allows you to follow the show instead, by clicking the "By episode" button.

Pickled in a jar would have been one way to go, but it's a tough visual to edit around. Boxes are convenient in that respect.

Aside from dueling rabbit skinning and cannibalism recipes.

"Ignorant" and "arrogant" did not test well in the AVClub focus groups.

Tywin may expect that the North will want to give up on Roose Bolton after 16 years of flayriffic rule (and during a hard winter). Tywin plays the long game.

Robert was still a lousy king.

@avclub-bf59aaafb2d7eef459b48b5a0d49fac4:disqus And he probably finds Tyrion's mere presence a constant painful reminder of what had to be the worst day of his life.

"And you get freedom, and you get freedom, and you get freedom!"

I think a lot of people saw her as a Mean Girls type: pretty, popular, and stuck up. She also was mean to Arya, who is super popular with the audience.

Sean Bean would have finished off his arrival by dying. Jon Snow's going to ruin the moment and live, I think.

A Lannister in the North right now would need a huge, expensive army; Bolton will occupy the North for free.
Tywin may have taken Bolton's measure and decided that after 15-20 years of Bolton rule (during winter no less), Sansa and her son will be welcomed as liberators.

She gets a bit of a hero edit in this episode, but its worth rememberin she's basically a merciless pirate who's killed a lot of innocent people. Tywin would respect her for her actions in this case.

@Garrison Cersei knew deep down that he was a sociopath, she just didn't know he was a dumb, unnecessary-war-starting sociopath.

And if GRRM had written LotR, the Prancing Pony would have been a brothel, Gandalf would have stayed dead, and Boromir would have gotten the drop on Frodo.

Only if it was Jamie's zombie hand. Tywin's all about family, you know.
