T-Bone Streep

Yeah as much as I am enjoying this Court of Owls storyline, it does feel like a retread of Morrison's Black Glove arc.  It's like "The Black Glove for Dummies".  I have been laughing my ass off seeing all the same people who hated on the Morrison run heap insane amounts of praise on Snyder's run.

Hey!  I can call my momma from up here!  Hey Ma!  Get off the dang roof!

Hey!  I can call my momma from up here!  Hey Ma!  Get off the dang roof!

There is a pretty sweet box set available.

There is a pretty sweet box set available.

I'm allergic to bee stings. They cause me to, uh, die.

To the Bee-Mobile!!

Quick!  If all 18+ of these "Avengers" had a battle royale who would be the last one standing?  My money is on Starfox because well, you figure it out.

Nick Lane = Psycho Pirate

It did one great thing actually.  It proved once and for all that society had finally rejected campy Batman, and would accept nothing less than what we got from Nolan eventually.

The universe vibrating at different frequencies is just a nod to the DC multiverse (Flash explains that each Earth vibrates at a different frequency), which they have referenced many times throughout the show.

Yup, Keanu Reeves wins this hands down for me.  I would add Point Break and The Devils Advocate to the above list, not because I consider them great, but just because I love the shit out of them anyways.  Six movies I love and god is he a terrible actor.  The only character that I ever bought was Jack from Speed, and

I had no idea UB40 still existed.

Rushdie be trollin'.

Who are these "Cramberries" you speak of?

You had me until "O the other H"

You beat me to that exact response by 2 minutes.  I commend you supercrotchinator.

What the f does "doesn't deserve this many viewers yet" mean?  Every show deserves exactly how many people want to watch it regardless of quality.