T-Bone Streep

Gimmick?  I once did unspeakable things with the Buffman (that's what he insists I call him) and these posts match his personality exactly.

Coming oot your mouth with your blah blah blah.
Just zip your lips like a padlock and meet me at the back with the jack and the jukebox.
I dont really care where you live at just turn around boy and let me hit that.
Dont be a little bitch with your chit chat just show me where your dicks at.
Come put a little love it my

Exhibit A will prove AV Club interviews do not lead to good reviews.

Just watched
the most recent episode http://tinyurl.com/56bd2s and was really enjoying them say things like "Our teenaged years are genetically designed for us all to confuse banality with confundity, which brings us to Remember Me.", and take shots at Pattinson and Mencia. Sadly they lost me when they mentioned how


Do NOT speak ill of the Advantage.

What's a CD?

May your knife chip and shatter Gaga.

Ok off topic but, really? David Shephard a.k.a. Smokie? Explain!

My List

God dammit Rowan! Go to your room! Mystic Quest…

I don't understand why they didn't offer the original Japanese soundtrack with English subtitles. It's the only way to watch anime. The Japanese language sounds ridiculous when translated to English.

just thought this was funny and I seem to enjoy posting comments from other sites here:

I wonder how Willis sleeps at night? Oh yeah (say it with me now!) On top of a pile of money with many beautiful ladies.

While you are correct the Landline video was terrible and unfunny, I regret to inform you that your application to the AV Club has been denied.

Loeb has earned a free pass from me for Long Halloween, Dark Victory, Hush, and his Superman/Batman run. After his son died things went downhill pretty fast as far as his writing skills.

You look at spoilers for Glee?

Jon Hamm was born to play Cap.

Don't forget Care Bears.